María Catalina Jurado

"The most important thing about my job is the experience of the patient and health personnel when they feel calm and safe with the management and support that is provided to their operation from the technical service area."

Q: Tell me about your current role.

A: I lead the management of renal technology equipment for Baxter Renal Care Services as part of an exceptional team of engineers and human resources for the Colombia cluster that participate in the installation, maintenance and service of equipment for performing hemodialysis therapies in a safe context of operation and functioning. We monitor the operation indicators that allow us to improve the patient's experience in their treatment.



Q: When did you join Baxter? What brought you to Baxter?

A: I have been working since December 2011, we were joined by anesthesia technology in Mexico and Colombia, at that time I was opening new markets in Latin America with said medical equipment and I had the opportunity to interact for the first time with Baxter staff, I was surprised its commitment, the passion to serve and the efficient and orderly way of its processes. That new world was the window that led me into Baxter.



Q: What is the most important part of your job?

A: It is the experience of the patient and health personnel when they feel calm and safe with the management and support provided to their operation from the technical service area. Technology in terms of its operation, indicators and performance is the tool that allows us to support the performance of renal therapies in a favorable condition for the patient. It is our greatest satisfaction to have a group of engineers committed to saving and sustaining lives, providing the patient with a better quality of life and stability in their therapies.



Q: In your own words, what does it mean to you to have a meaningful career?

A: When you show from your role and in response to your effort that value is being generated to the service provided to patients and clinical staff, ensuring well-being and quality of life in each therapy performed.



Q: We know that you are the mother of a beautiful 17-month-old girl named Catalina, tell us from this moment of quarantine and the different roles you play within the home, how do you manage to have a balance in your life and your work?

A: This stage of my life is called learning, it is my daughter who with love teaches me every day to value moments, experiences, laughter and hugs. Quarantine has brought us together as a family, it has allowed us to share more time together, identify what is really important, all these changes that we have faced as a society is a time of preparation to take everyday life in a different way into the future. Especially the balance with work at home has not been and will not be easy to carry is a daily challenge, since you are a mother day and night, while professionally giving the best of yourself and joyfully facing new challenges and professional responsibilities.