Sergio del Cid

  • How did you come to Baxter RCS?

They told me that the opportunity for a hemodialysis technician position had opened, I sent my resume, and then they contacted me. However, I already had concerns about being able to come here to the unit and, well, I met the hemodialysis medical manager, they gave me the contacts, after that I applied and was hired as a hemodialysis technician.

  • How long have you been at RCS?

Since 4 years.

  • What is your role in RCS?

I have a more complicated situation to explain, but I started as a hemodialysis technician and later, a few months later, I began to work as coordinator of technicians. In this period I was finishing my business administration studies and due to the Dialysis Corporate Medicine operation, there was an opportunity and they transferred a person who was directly with Human Resources, they told me that I could provide support such as Administrative Support and Human Resources, which is what I have been doing for two years now, is to be in the administrative area of Corporate Medicine in Zone 5, but at this time it is as administrative support. Now I am in the Naples Unit providing administrative support, while the administrator here is in another Unit. 

  • How is your day to day in the area?

My day to day is reviewing documents, reviewing issues with the staff and verifying administrative processes with the services we provide.

  • What is the most important part of your job?

Every part of my job is very important. I say that in every detail and in every process there is no more or less important part, I consider that everything I do during the day is important for the operation.

  • What motivates you to stay at RCS?

Being able to see that there is an opportunity for growth, that they do take into account the effort of each worker. As I was telling you, I joined as a hemodialysis technician, but during that time I gave my best and another window was opened to advance to another place, which is the administrative part. So that's it, the fact of being able to stay in the company is being able to see that the effort and dedication of each person continues to grow.

  • What positions/positions have you held throughout your career at RCS?

As a Hemodialysis Technician it is a position in which I am still hired and for two years I have been as Administrative and Human Resources Support.

  • In the performance of your work, how do you feel that you fulfill our mission of Saving and Sustaining Lives?

I started exactly as direct patient care with the presentation of hemodialysis service, from that point the contribution to the mission of Saving and Sustaining Lives was doing my job consciously with each patient. Currently, from the Administrative Support, I have close to the people of the operation, those people who treat the patient directly, making them feel comfortable and safe with all the processes.

  • What would you say to you 15 years ago?

Focus more, because 15 years ago I didn't have the maturity that I have right now and he would tell me to concentrate more and make an effort, since every effort has its reward.

  • What professional advice would you give someone starting their career?

My advice is to give your best and without restrictions. The truth is that everything that happens is very important and you always have to give 100%.

  • What advice would you give your teams to approach 2021 in the best way?

On the subject of the pandemic, I have talked a bit with people, hemodialysis technicians and administrative staff, and my advice is to take care of yourself because the best tool we have is knowledge and we must inform ourselves about everything that is happening in order to give our best. work because we deal with people directly. “Take care of yourself so you can take care of others”

  • What has been your greatest learning throughout your professional career?

That every day you learn, we cannot say "I already know everything" but that no matter how much one studies, reads or works, there is always something new and one must always have an open mind in order to learn.

  • How do you project RCS in 10 years?

Growing more and more.